Saturday, February 7, 2015

Weird and Wild Displays- Avian Valentines!

Weird and Wild Displays- Avian Valentines

StonesWild 2/7/15

First off let me thank you all for reading this- It's important my blogs get recognized properly.

Okay...fifth article. Here we go.  I, Stone, would like to welcome you all to todays wildlife discussion...

Divine Displays of the Wildlife World
Can you believe this is a bird? The Avian world is full of creativity, variety, devotion, and effort when it comes to courtship. Today we'll look at some of the most wild rituals on the planet!

Great or Everglades Egret

Ardea alba
The Great Egret of the Americas is truly a spiritual bird. During their courtship months, these animals reveal emerald green eyelids and long, stiff feathers. The ritual consists of stretching up and down in tune with their mate, rattling their feathers as many have seen peacocks doing at a zoo or park.

Raggiana Bird of Paradise
Paradisaea raggiana
Another great example of the effort put in to love, as the avian world is full of many, this bird, when discovered, was given its namesake on the terms that nobody could believe it really existed, so beautiful were the feathers brought back to England. This magical bird can be found in the high cloud forest of New Guinea. 


Magnificent Frigate Bird
Fregata magnificens
An endemic patron of the Tropic- American Seacoasts, the Magnificent Frigate Bird is the largest in its genetic family, with a display to match its size.  With a range from Atlantic to Pacific, concentrated heavily in the Caribbean, the bird may sometimes venture inland. The unique thing about this animal is its throat pouch. made of thin, crimson skin, it can be inflated with air to create a truly impressive sight!

Javan or Green Peafowl
Pavo Muticus
A much-overlooked member of the peacock family, this bird is actually grander, larger, with longer tails than its close and better known relative, the Indian / Blue Peafowl. This bird, with its rattling feathers, reflective patches of emerald and topaz, is a mesmerizing sight when putting on his mating act!

Karoo Ostrich
Struthio Camelus Australis
Nothing on Namibia's Karoo Plain is more mystical than the Desert Ostrich sweeping up a hazy sandstorm with their wings as they dance their complex ritual. Part of this ritual takes the form of sweeping out a dish of sand with wing beats to symbolically. This synchronized dance of the sexes is one of the most amazing sights in the avian world. Bigger is better, right?  

Bald eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
These symbolic American birds, with their adrenaline-rush of a ritual, undeniably fit their niche as both the National Bird and the National Animal. With turns, flips, and cartwheels, the locked talon position of this Avian's mating ritual is an exercise of absolute trust. Truly one of the most amazing bonds in the wildlife "nation", it must be witnessed to be fully understood.

Thank you all for reading!

Best wishes,

Safari Stone

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